Hi, I'm Mark  ;)   

I am a software developer

My interest in computer science began because I love learning new technologies and seeing how parts of a system work together. I graduated from Stony Brook with B.S. in Computer Science and Applied mathematics. With six years of experience of Java, I became good at writing clear, modular code. When I code I always try to get a grasp of the bigger picture. The larger goal of solving real world issues, as well as providing great products and services to community is what strengthens my motivation in this career path.


  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • Ajax
  • JavaFX
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap


  • Java
  • C
  • Python
  • SQL
  • Design Patterns
  • OOP
  • Database Design
  • Unit Testing


  • Git
  • Terminal / Command Line
  • Linux
  • SpringMVC
  • Apache
  • Tomcat
  • Maven
  • Profiling

Gerrymandering App

Gerrymandering is the practice of manipulating district boundaries in order to gain voting advantage. There were many suspecious district arrangements throughout U.S. history. However, gerrymandering was hard to prove: there wasn't a solid mathematical method. Well, now there are different metrics, which allow it to be quantified. This app I made creates fair districting, taking into account various metrics, such as geometric compactness and partisan symmetry.


With this tool, you can create and edit custom metro maps. It has many basic features and it can also calculate the best travel root.

Dynamic Memory Allocator Maker

I implemented a memory allocator in C. It uses buddy system, where every block has a twin. When user needs some memory, the allocator will search for the block that fits the best.

A* (A-Star) Pathfinding Algorithm

Many computer games use pathfinding to move a character from point X to point Y on the map. A* is widely used because of efficiency and accuracy.

Get Off My Lawn Bunny Game

This is a game me and my friend made. It was really fun working on art, music and code. The goal of the game is really simple — to protect your territory from bunny/zombie invasion. We made an AI that adapts to player's strategy and it can be quite challenging to beat.

If you would like to get in touch with me:

Thank you for visiting and have a nice day!